Is ChatGPT Bullshit? The Wild, Wacky World of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Language Learning Models (LLM)

Is ChatGPT Bullshit? The Wild, Wacky World of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Language Learning Models (LLM)

Jun 18, 2024   •   5 min read   •   Innovation

Ever wondered if ChatGPT is really all it's cracked up to be, or is it just a glorified chatbot with an attitude? In this blog, we'll dive into the hilarious and sometimes terrifying truths revealed in the 2024 AI Index Report by Stanford, and the eyebrow-raising lectures from the University of Glasgow. From AI's genius moments to its complete math meltdowns, and from billion-dollar training budgets to the global patent race, we'll uncover the facts lost in discussion.

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Unlock PDF Passwords for free Online - PDF Password Remover

Unlock PDF Passwords for free Online - PDF Password Remover

Jun 14, 2024   •   5 min read   •   Innovation

Unlock PDF passwords effortlessly with our free, user-friendly PDF Password Remover Tool. This blog post guides you through using our PDF unlock software to remove passwords from PDF files online. Say goodbye to expensive services and learn how to decrypt PDF files and open password-protected PDFs without hassle. Discover how to set up and use this effective PDF password recovery tool, and explore estimated processing times for different password complexities. Join us and experience the best free PDF unlock tool designed to save your day and your wallet. Reclaim access to your important documents with ease!

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How to design a REST API and document it using Swagger?

How to design a REST API and document it using Swagger?

Dive into the magical world of APIs this holiday season! This festive coding adventure will guide you through designing and building stunning RESTful APIs with Node.js and Postman. I'll unravel the secrets of REST principles and resource crafting, then polish your documentation skills with Swagger for interactive experiences. No dry theory here – you'll learn by doing through code examples, Postman testing, and practical tips for Visual Studio Code. Whether you're a seasoned developer or a curious beginner, this blog is your passport to mastering API basics, testing intricacies, and crafting code with confidence. So grab your virtual Santa hat and coding gloves – it's time to embark on a journey of tech wizardry and creative expression! (Don't miss the sneak peek of my in-development API documentation course!)

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Top 10 Skills a Technical Writer Should Definitely NOT Have

Top 10 Skills a Technical Writer Should Definitely NOT Have

In the wild world of technical writing, where clarity and simplicity are usually the keys to success, join us on a tongue-in-cheek journey through the "Anti-Resume" – a satirical exploration of the top 10 skills a technical writer should never possess. Discover how to transform simple instructions into baffling riddles, drown your readers in a sea of technical jargon, and pepper your content with a smattering of obscure acronyms. Learn how to deflect feedback like a ninja, transform entire sentences into emojis, and create formatting chaos with inconsistent fonts and text colors. Finally, master the 'click and hope' strategy with links that lead nowhere or to the latest meme. Welcome to the dark side of documentation – where confusion reigns supreme and clarity is the stuff of myths.

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Loki, Git, and the Cosmic Retcon - A Hilarious Tale of Timelines and Code

Loki, Git, and the Cosmic Retcon - A Hilarious Tale of Timelines and Code

This blog draws parallels between the Sacred Timeline from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Git branches in software development. It explores how both concepts serve to maintain order and prevent chaos, highlighting the role of controlled experimentation and careful navigation through time and code.

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Is your technical writing career on track?

Is your technical writing career on track?

Are you a technical writer seeking to assess your progress and identify opportunities for growth? This insightful blog is your guide to self-discovery and career alignment. Embark on a journey of introspection through our comprehensive questionnaire, designed to help you understand your strengths, areas for improvement, and overall career satisfaction. I'll then delve into practical strategies to excel in your technical writing career, equipping you with the tools and mindset to elevate your expertise and achieve your professional goals.

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Envision a World of Robotic Creativity :&nbspIs technical writing on the brink of extinction?

Envision a World of Robotic Creativity : Is technical writing on the brink of extinction?

Explore the evolving landscape of technical writing in the age of AI and automation. Learn how technical writers can navigate challenges, diversify their skillset, and embrace the future with creativity. Stay updated on the latest trends and discover the crucial role of human ingenuity in crafting user-friendly documentation.

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Changing Landscape of Release Notes :&nbspA Guide to Data-Driven and Design-Focused Technical Writing

Changing Landscape of Release Notes : A Guide to Data-Driven and Design-Focused Technical Writing

Navigate the changing landscape of release notes and discover how data and design are transforming them into engaging and informative guides. Learn how to write effective release notes, including tips on user research, data prioritization, and design principles.

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Art of SME Interview - A Comprehensive Guide for Technical Writers

Art of SME Interview - A Comprehensive Guide for Technical Writers

Technical writers often face challenges when interviewing SMEs, including unresponsive experts, fragmentary information, assumed knowledge, and grumpy interviewees. This comprehensive guide provides strategies to overcome these challenges, including crafting personalized outreach, encouraging elaboration, breaking down complex concepts, and handling difficult interviewees. Embracing active listening, tailoring questions to the SME's expertise, and following up with gratitude will transform SME interviews into collaborative knowledge-acquisition journeys.

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ChatGPT Prompts for Technical Writers - Boost Your Productivity and Creativity

ChatGPT Prompts for Technical Writers - Boost Your Productivity and Creativity

Technical writing requires precision, clarity, and efficiency. ChatGPT can help you achieve all three. But how do you use it most effectively? This blog post shares a range of ChatGPT prompts designed to assist technical writers in various aspects of their work, from explaining complex concepts to brainstorming new content ideas to getting expert feedback.

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Top 5 Technical Writing Trends to know in 2024

Top 5 Technical Writing Trends to know in 2024

Technical writing is a thriving sector, with demand for technical writers projected to grow 7% from 2022 to 2032. To stay ahead of the curve, technical writers need to be aware of the latest trends in the field. This blog post will discuss the top technical writing trends in 2023, including AI and automation, UX design, content reuse, collaboration, and emerging technologies.

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Mastering RevealJS - Craft Interactive Tech Presentations with Markdown and Magic

Mastering RevealJS - Craft Interactive Tech Presentations with Markdown and Magic

Welcome to the world where tech meets presentation magic! If you've ever felt like you're locked in a PowerPoint whirlwind or danced the AI tango without success, you're in for a treat. Dive into the captivating journey of creating stunning presentations using RevealJS, a dynamic framework fueled by HTML, CSS, and Markdown. Explore the blog and discover the art of crafting a RevealJS presentation, from transforming AsciiDoc content to optimizing workflows with GitHub Actions. Let's turn your tech talks into engaging experiences that leave a lasting impact.

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Maximizing Efficiency - How Replit Revolutionizes Technical Writing

Maximizing Efficiency - How Replit Revolutionizes Technical Writing

Get ready for a captivating exploration into the world of Replit—a game-changing platform that's set to revolutionize technical writing. In this blog post, we'll uncover the secrets behind its power and unveil the incredible benefits it offers. Brace yourself for a thrilling journey as we delve into real-time collaboration with developers, unlock language versatility like never before, and witness the magic of instant code prototyping. Prepare to break free from limitations and unleash your true potential as a technical writer. Join us as we unravel the captivating wonders of Replit, where efficiency and creativity intertwine in perfect harmony.

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Empathy Mapping and User Journey - The Secret Sauce for Effective Technical Writing

Empathy Mapping and User Journey - The Secret Sauce for Effective Technical Writing

It's time to step into your users' shoes with empathy mapping and user journey! In this latest blog post, I'll show you how to create empathy maps and user journeys that will help you understand your users' needs and emotions, and improve the effectiveness of your documentation.

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Why we the Technical Writers are Like John Wick? Unlikely Comparisons That Will Leave You Laughing

Why we the Technical Writers are Like John Wick? Unlikely Comparisons That Will Leave You Laughing

Who knew technical writers and John Wick had so much in common? 🤔💥 In this blog post I explained the surprising similarities between these unlikely heroes. From killer content to lethal weapons, I've covered all.

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