Do you know about Loki and the sacred timeline? Did you know that the sacred timeline had branches, and they were pruned? :)

In Git, a branch is a separate line of development. By default, every repository has a “master” branch, which is the main branch. You can create new branches to work on new features or make experimental changes without affecting the main branch.

Git Branch Variety Show

  • Feature Branches: Think of these as special episodes where you develop new features or make big changes to your content. It’s like having a sandbox to play in without messing up the main storyline.

  • Bug Fix Branches: Bugs are like villains, and bug fix branches are your superhero capes. They isolate the buggy stuff, letting you focus on fixing it without causing chaos in the main story.

  • Release Branches: Ready to release a new version of your content? Release branches are your red carpet. They’re where you add final touches and polish before rolling out changes to the main branch.

  • Topic Branches: These are like spin-off novels exploring specific topics or ideas. You can brainstorm and refine without disrupting the main story.

Crafting a New Branch

To whip up a new branch, type git branch followed by the branch’s name. For instance, git branch new-feature creates a fresh branch named “new-feature” branching off from the current one, usually the “master.”

Switching Branches

When you’re ready to jump into a different story, use git checkout followed by the branch’s name. For example, git checkout new-feature switches you to the “new-feature” branch. Now, you can tweak files and commit changes straight to the “new-feature” plot.

Pro tip: You can create and switch to a new branch in one go with git checkout -b new-feature.

To see all the branches in your storybook, type git branch. It’s like having a character list, showing you all the exciting branching choices you’ve made.

More Branch Wizardry

Check out the Git cheat sheet for more branch-related spells and tricks!

Ready to branch out and explore the Git galaxy?

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