Expert-Level API Documentation - Exercise 1

Challenge: Identify & Correct Missing Pieces in an API Reference

Scenario: You have incomplete API documentation for an endpoint that retrieves user details. Your task is to find what’s missing or unclear and propose improvements.

Incomplete API Documentation:

### GET /v1/users/{userId}
Retrieves a single user's details.

**Path Parameters**:
- userId

**Example Request**:
GET /v1/users/12345 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <token>

Response: 200 OK

  "id": 12345,
  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": ""


  • The documentation lacks details on error responses (e.g., if the user is not found).
  • No information about required headers beyond `Authorization`.
  • No details on potential query parameters or rate limits.


  • Identify at least 3–5 missing or unclear points.
  • Rewrite the API documentation with complete details.
  • Clearly state any assumptions you make.

Hint: Consider adding error codes, request validation rules, and example responses for failures.

Solution: Complete API Documentation

Missing Information:

  • Lack of error responses: No mention of 404, 401, or other failure scenarios.
  • Unclear userId format: It doesn’t specify whether it’s an integer, string, or UUID.
  • No mention of authentication details: Is the Authorization header mandatory?
  • Missing query parameters: Are there optional filters like `expand`?
  • Rate limiting details absent: Does the API restrict request frequency?

Revised API Documentation:

1. Endpoint & Method

Method Endpoint Description
GET /v1/users/{userId} Retrieves a single user's details

2. Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
userId Integer Yes Unique identifier of the user

3. Example Request

GET /v1/users/12345 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer <token>

4. Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "id": 12345,
  "name": "John Doe",
  "email": ""

5. Error Responses

HTTP Code Message Description
401 Unauthorized Invalid or missing authorization token
404 User Not Found The specified userId does not exist
429 Rate Limit Exceeded Too many requests in a short period

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